
Friday, November 8, 2013

EOC Report Card 2013

In the area of Absolute Performance, all schools in the School District of Oconee County maintained the rating they received in 2012.
  • Twelve of the nineteen schools received ratings of “excellent” or “good”: Fair-Oak, Keowee, Northside, Oakway Intermediate, Ravenel, Tamassee-Salem Elementary, Walhalla Elementary, Walhalla Middle, Seneca High, Tamassee-Salem High, Walhalla High, and West-Oak High.
  • Seven schools received a rating of “average”:  Blue Ridge, James M. Brown, Orchard Park, Westminster Elementary, Seneca Middle, Tamassee-Salem Middle, and West-Oak Middle.
  • The School District of Oconee County received an absolute rating of “excellent.” 
In the area of Improvement/Growth, results were somewhat mixed.
  • Seven schools improved or maintained ratings in this area: Blue Ridge (average to good), Fair-Oak (average to excellent), James M. Brown (average to average), Keowee (excellent to excellent), Tamassee-Salem Middle (average to average), West-Oak Middle (average to average), and Walhalla High (good to excellent).
  • Six schools and the District received ratings of “excellent” or “good” in the area of growth: Blue Ridge, Fair-Oak, Keowee, Walhalla Elementary, Tamassee-Salem High, and Walhalla High.
  • Seven schools received a rating of “average”:  James M. Brown, Tamassee-Salem Elementary, Westminster Elementary, Seneca Middle, Tamassee-Salem Middle, Walhalla Middle, and West-Oak Middle.
  • Six schools did not meet improvement goals for 2013 as established by the EOC:  Northside, Oakway Intermediate, Orchard Park, Ravenel, Seneca High, and West-Oak High.

The 2013 Report Card also provides valuable data about the schools and the District.  For instance,
  • The District spends on average $10,120 per student (a low of $6,964 at Walhalla Elementary to a high of $10,179 at Tamassee-Salem Middle/High).
  • The average teacher in the District has a salary of $49,484 and an attendance rate of 95.4%.
  • The average student to teacher ratio in the District is 21:1 in core subject areas. 
  • The four year graduation rate for the district is 80%.
  • Students in the District attend school at a rate of 95.4%.
  • Approximately 65% of the teachers in the District have an advanced degree.

SC Department of Education:
2013 Report Card Data (Excel Format)
2013 Report Card School and District Reports (Long and Summary Formats)
Report Cards (2008-2013)

SC Education Oversight Committee: